Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Happy Goodbye

The last day of pre-service training in the Peace Corps Mexico office was one of the best days ever. I can’t remember a time when I was so happy and felt so loved. Not that my family and friends at home don’t love me, but here in Mexico, I have felt incredibly loved in a way that was not expected and occurs in person, on a daily basis.  So what made this such a great day? 

First – we did this exercise where everyone sat in a circle and 4 people at a time went to the middle and received instructions to tap the shoulder of someone “who is a role model" or “who has made an impact on your life” or “you’d like to be stuck on a desert island with” or other such gems.  This was an incredibly powerful and emotional exercise both because you could feel the love when your shoulder was tapped and because you wanted to tap so many shoulders when it was your turn.
 Everyone is happy when a pinata is involved.
 Cookies also are a source of great joy.
Second – we had a talent show that was awesome and hilarious!  My Natural Resources Management group did a 3-part dance show that started with “Party in the USA” and ended with a fun salsa.   Alana and Mickey did a powerpoint slide with a picture of each person and kind words about everyone in our group and that was another love fest.  Timoteo played guitar, Kyle and Emily did a dramatic reading of Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” and our Language & Culture teachers did a series of amazing dances. Oh, and Enrique did a great karaoke rock song which was awesomely bizarre.
 NRM'ers doin our thang.
  Timoteo on the guitar.
  Dancers galore.
  Three of my favorite teachers.
 So much dancing and talent.

Third – we had pizza from Costco.  Don’t think that’s part of a love fest? Well, trust me, it was.

Our swearing-in ceremony on Friday was also a grand affair with lots and lots of speeches, and we were reminded again how fortunate we are to be here and have this opportunity that so few people get to experience. My host mom Lilia gave a speech on behalf of all the host families and shared that time I said I was just a little bit of a man, instead of just a little bit hungry, and said thank you to me at the very end.  Needless to say, the tears were flowing for both me and the other criers in my group. My family in Querétaro was something special to say the least.
  PCM group 18.
 With my host mom and neighbor.
 Ceremony selfie!

I headed out immediately after the ceremony with my counterpart and made it to Guadalajara (after navigating the scene of a giant lettuce accident) for a night of rest before my final 5-hour bus ride to my future home.  Although the bus did not have air conditioning, it did have windows that opened and it wasn’t jam packed full of people, so all in all, it was a successful journey.  Now I’m here, trying to find my new fit and make a new home, and figure out simple things like what should I buy to eat for lunch this week that I’ll be preparing in someone else’s kitchen…. I did get my laundry done today and my plant purchased a long time ago now has a permanent home so I think that counts as a good start.  
 My plant in it's new digs.
  Welcome to Jalisco
  My new landscape


  1. SO glad you are here! Its a great place ... except for that bus!

    1. Ha! Thanks. I had an open seat next to me the whole ride so it was a lot better than it could have been ;)


Why I left a six-figure job for Peace Corps Service

There’s nothing like doing taxes as a Peace Corps volunteer to remind you how much your life has changed.  And to give you heart palpitatio...